Monday, June 24, 2019

Strategic Management in Action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

strategic Management in Action - Essay ExampleThis research will begin with the statement that Strategic Management operations usually have quite a significant situation in the processes of strategic planning and performance. Strategic implementation involves the actual fruition of the planned strategies of an organization on a daily basis. There argon four main functions that are used in strategic management in action. They are preparation, organization, directing and controlling stages. Planning The planning involves the constant practice of the business development. It is basically the outline of business development in any organization. In this stage, the management group establishes what the needs of the business establishment will be in future and creates plans for the action. The plans that are created should be those that are approved by twain the businesss stakeholders as well as the organization. Organising The second stage of organizing basically has to do with developi ng the teams of the personnel that works in the organization as well as their different roles. It allows tasks which are supported by the delegation of authority to the internal stakeholders. If the stakeholders are dissatisfied with the way labor and authority are used in assigning tasks, their dissatisfaction will end up affecting their performance, resulting in lower overall productivity. Directing Directing, which is the third stage, is a multifaceted role in which there is the execution of the management processes. It is a practice of communicating, inspiring and guiding the workers.

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