Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Decoding the Jargon Essay

Create a booklet which apologise the function of hardware components and identify communication betwixt components. The pages should include photographs and diagrams to illust count the information you include. (P1) Components communicationThe by-line diagram shows how components communicate each others. processorAlso known as the processor, the CPU is the middle of the data processor and has two part Control wholeThe control unit controls the flow of data finished the processor. Arithmetic/Logic unit (ALU)The ALU performs mathematical, logical, and decision operations in a electronic estimator and is the final bear on performed by the processor. read/write reminiscenceA calculating machine basin only run a curriculum when it is in memory named RAM (Random Access Memory). List of RAM such as Double data rate synchronous dynamic random access memory (DDR SDRAM), Static Random access memory (SRAM) and energizing random access memory (DRAM).Hard aspireA HHD is a data memory board construction that provides storage and retrieving digital information. Serial Storage architecture (SSA) is a serial transport protocol employ to attach disk drives to server computers. A substantiality drive (SSD) it contains no actual disk, it is a data storage device using coordinated circuit assemblies as memory to store data. It is much quiet when it runs, much(prenominal) resistant to physical shock, has a lower access time and less latency.MotherboardThe motherboard is the briny circuit board inside a computer. A number of major hardware components are plugged into it, including the CPU, harddrive, the BIOS memory and RAM. The most commonly nominate and use motherboard is ATX motherboard. It is the regular motherboard which meet to some(prenominal) background computer.FanA computer fan is any(prenominal) fan inside, or attached to, a computer case use for active aplombing, and may announce to fans that draw cooler rail representation line into t he case from the outside, acquit warm air from inside, or move air across a heat sink to cool a particular component. CPU fan mathematical function to cool the CPU heat sink.Graphic note Fan The specific fan to cool have the temperature of graphic card. PSU fan The power render unit fan play two rules that cool fell the itself and removing the warm air from the case.PSUA power supply unit converts mains AC to low-voltage regulated DC power for internal components of computer.DVDDVD is digital optical disc that potbelly store a large amount of digital data such as text, music, image or video.b. Add a new section to the booklet to explain the spirit of TWO dissimilar Operating Systems and compare the features functions of these in operation(p) transcriptions. (P2, M1) Window 8 is the la leaven vision of the Windows run body, which was developed by Microsoft. It acts as an port wine among the hardware and the exploiter. Purpose of Windows 8The run system was made for personal, home or business user in the desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone market. It makes computer easy for users to control.1. vivid User interfaceThe windows run system knowing originally to replace MS- country, which make the computer interface to a greater extent user-friendly and allows you to use your mouse to operate. Windows 8 come with a new and unique variety of use interface (UI) called Metro.2. Accessibility.Windows 8 increase the accessibility which includes features to enable disable people to use the computer more easily, such as Optimize ocular display to allow people to see more cleanly on screen, turn on audio recording description for people who are blind, ad effective the fit of mouse for people are using antithetical hand.3. MultitaskingWindows 8 provided people with the ability to do multitask more easily and steady. The Graphical User Interface makes easier to sweep from different tasks.4. A StandardPart of windows shoot for is to create a stan dard for third-part parcel developers. only windows programs will feature in a standard format, such as the position of menu options, the way programme opened and closed down. Purpose of makenation known as Disk operating system that allow people to monitor the storage devices such as hard disk, solid disk, fanfare disk or floppy disk. DOS is the primary system that people have to using manipulate line prompt to communicate with computer via unsubdivided interface which is not friendly user interface. The DOS sesst run multitask on computer which brush off only load one program until it finished. But some of the features still quite utile that people still use it. Such as5. CHKDSK6. GBUPDATE7. IPCONFIG8. PING9. FDISKComparison of two operating systemsWe can see there are many different between those two computer operating system which the Windows 8 operating system have a lots of advance features and higher performance that suit to nowadays. The DOS system usually used to be run a specific program which prevents any virus or hacker attack in the solo computer such as trade program, data base in the hospital or council data base.c. In your document explain the subroutine of different software utilities which is available. Explain how software utilities can improve the performance of computer systems (P3, D1) Windows 8 advantageVirus ProtectionThe specific program used to prevent viruses, worms and Trojans which attached in the email or website. Every computer need to install an anti-virus software and have upgrade its regular that make sure as shooting the computer more securer. FirewallThe Firewall is the software that build up to prevent attack from hacker which build a protective barrier in your computer when your computer connect to the network. It controlled which softwares data can thought the network and monitored the data thought the computer. Clean-up ToolsThe system utility that clean up systems rubbish to make computer running more ste ady and smoothly. The list of clean-up content such as Removal of cookiesInternet historyDefragmentationDrive data formattingDrive formatting that means to delete everything on the drive or partition to install operating system or classify your partition. You can do it from Disk management or using change Command in Command prompt just like type command in the DOS OS. Utility of DOSCHKDSK Checks a disk and prepare your data that might lose or deject from take off your disk incorrectly or your computer lost electricity when it was running. The CHKDSK table service computer more secure and repair the corruption when it detects. ping is a computer network utility that to test how quickly the host to connect to the server. This utility could help user easier to check the connectivity with network. FDISK is utility software which using on DOS to partitioning disk and manage the partition. The FDISK that formatting your disk completely that not be able to recovery and it the common t ool that used in 1990s during now. Scandisk is the command to run disk-repair on the current drive. DEFRAG is Command to reorganizes files on disks to optimize performance. rectify is command to run Debug, a program examination and editing tool.

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