Sunday, August 11, 2019

B2B and Reseller Markets Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

B2B and Reseller Markets - Coursework Example Thus, the report provides a view about which business relationship the organisation should develop by taking into concern the theories of business relationship and b2b marketing. Every successful business is established on the basis of solid and progressive relationship with the customers. The origin of business relationship has been traced back to the 19th century and since then the idea of business relationship has changed considerably. Traditionally, b2b market is dependent on encompassing the predominant view of consumer marketing. It was fairly unsophisticated approach, which was subjected towards manipulation of certain marketing variables such as products, price and promotion among others for raising desired rate of returns. The viewpoint of customer relationship was overwhelmingly adversarial and short-term in nature. However, after 1990s, it was appreciated that such aspect does not satisfactorily reflect the intricacies of how b2b market perform. Rather, it was argued that b2b marketing is long-run in nature and involve proper relationship between buyers and sellers to reap mutual advantages (Buttle, 1996). Unlike b2c model, customers in b2b model are basically organisations or companies, which signify that there are few customers for Airslash to serve in its respective market. However, it is worth mentioning that although there are small number of customers, they make large amount of purchases and the purchasing procedure is quite complex in nature. Besides, in comparison with business to consumer (b2c) customers, relationship in b2b customers are quite close in nature. In general, Airslash can develop two types of relationship with its customers namely transactional or cooperative. In this similar context, transactional relationship comprises timely interchange of basic services for extremely competitive prices and cooperative relationship constitutes strong ties established over times with the aim of accomplishing shared

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