Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Service delivery should not be a priority focus for Non-Governmental Essay

Service delivery should not be a priority focus for Non-Governmental Organisations' (NGOs) work. Discuss, with reference to relevant literature and examples, a - Essay Example On the other hand, the delivery of services as well as every other activity that would be possibly undertaken by the NGO’s should be based on a series of rules and ethics that could ensure the quality and the relevance of these activities around the world. It is for this reason that Lewis (2001, 1) supported that ‘for some NGOs the delivery of services will doubtless require a set of practices and techniques which could usefully draw upon public and private sector approaches; For NGOs involved in campaigning and networking, perhaps less of this material will be of value, and new approaches are needed’. In other words, in accordance with the above researcher, not all activities of NGOs should be regulated strictly by governmental rules and principles but mainly the delivery of services. However, it is not made clear whether the above rules should refer to particular issues related with the delivery of services or would contain rather general guidelines and suggestions. At a next level, in order to understand the role of service delivery in the operation of NGOs, we should primarily present a definition of these organisations as it has been formulated during their operation throughout the world. In accordance with a definition given by Mawlawi (1993, 391) ‘broadly defined, NGOs are private, voluntary, non-profit organizations whose members combine their skills, means and energies in the service of shared ideals and objectives’. Moreover, Mawlawi, explains the main characteristics of NGOs based on the definition presented above. In this context it is stated that ‘NGOs vary in scope, resource base and influence as well as in functional and ideological orientation; they may be local, national or international, and include service groups, prominent foundations and professional or other membership organizations; NGOs are generally dependent on private resources, but in several countries they receive government support as well’ (Mawlawi, 1993,

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